DriverMax PRO 1 Year Giveaway

Pros / Actual driver updating features are moderately effective and extraordinarily easy to use.
Cons / The interface is a little confusing. It's hard to find what you need when you need it.
Verdict / We would recommend DriverMax if you don't need a large feature set or many help and support options.

DriverMax is the most unique driver update software we reviewed because of how its interface is laid out. Instead of the usual menus and dialog boxes approach, this program has four dropdown menus that are located within the same window. The key to using the features within this application is signing up for a new account, which is no different than what you would have to do to sign up for a free email account. However, it's odd that software would require you to provide your email address and create a nickname and password. One should be wary if an application wants you to provide personal information. Based on our analysis, it seems like a lot of the application's functions go through the company's website. This is also strange considering how this software is billed as an application rather than a web service.


In addition to being able to update your outdated drivers, DriverMax allows you to identify unknown hardware, view detailed hardware information and an installed drivers report, backup, restore and rollback your drivers and do a number of other things. There are other features in this application too, such as being able to look at what hardware is popular and analyze the details of your online account, but these features aren't worthy of being on a marquee with the bread and butter of this software. Although it might seem like this application has a lot of features, it has a lot of features that are probably considered useless to best.


DriverMax is difficult to use because of its unconventional, impractical interface. If the manufacturer of this application decided to lay things out like typical software, it would be a lot better than it is currently. Everything involved with this application takes entirely too long to find, making the end result not worth the journey. While we liked looking at the interface of DriverMax, it turned out to be rather convoluted and impractical. If you're a patient person who doesn't mind having to look for a long time to find what you want, this application could work well for you; If you're not, there are plenty of easier-to-use programs in this category.


When we were actually able to find the choice to scan for outdated drivers in DriverMax, it came up with 18 drivers it thought were outdated. We were a little surprised when we found that a majority of these drivers were actually out of date. There were a few false positives mixed in there, but that's to be expected with a program like this one. With the seemingly chaotic nature of the interface, we expected lackluster results. We’re happy to report that such was not the case.

Click To Go To Giveaway Page in the German Language and try with a German IP.
Note :
If you are getting invalid license code, make sure there is an em dash after ‘DMX’ in the serial number (eg: DMX-576-87X-9B51).

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